Case Studies


Example 1

Individual Florida: Andrew is spending a week of vacation in Orlando at a resort, owned by a large entertainment company in the region known not to have resisted the bill, in the aftermath of the enactment of HR1557 and HB7 – laws that restrict speech on LGBTQ+ equality. He buys a $75 “Florida vacation” offset certificate from the LGBTQ+ Footprint Offset Project which in turns redistributes the donation to Equality Florida, the Victory Institute and
Lambda Legal which are actively working to defeat the sponsor of the bill in his senatorial re-election, repeal the laws and raise awareness in the Florida public.

Example 2

Company in Singapore: HSBC is sending Venessa on a two-day business trip to Singapore. The Conference is taking place in a resort personally owned by the head of state of a country which recently implemented a law punishing same-sex relationships with death penalty. Vanessa is also uncomfortable as she knows the ruling party in Singapore has not made any progress on decriminalization in part because of lack of pressure from multinationals with economic interests in the region. HSBC reassures her that they have purchased a $1,500 annual “Singapore multinational” offset certificate from the LGBTQ+ Footprint Offset Project which in turns redistributes the proceeds to local organization Pink Dot, the Global Parliamentary network and ILGA Asia which are advocating for the repeal of #377.

Example 3

Joy loves to stop in that specific food chain called Duck-Slice when traveling on the highway. Yet, the food chain is involved in a controversy stemming from the millions of dollars Duck-Slice has donated to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians and charities over the years and its CEO’s hostile remarks against marriage equality. Joy gives $5 to the LGBTQ+ footprint project every time she buys a meal at Duck-Slice.

Already assessed your LGBTQ+ footprint and ready to offset?